All Artists Ceramics & Pottery Studio #5

Robin McDonald – Ceramics

I create hand-built vessels using a mid range white clay and fire them in my electric kiln to cone6. I use stencils and textures from commercial products and found objects to create an interesting surface on the clay and to enhance the basic shape. Glazing can happen at both the greenware stage and the bisque stage. My goal is to create an appealing vessel that can be used, but can also be purely decorative.


All Artists Ceramics & Pottery Studio #5

Georgine Longfellow – Pottery

Functional pottery and garden art. Vitrified at cone 6 in Electric kilns, using glazes made in the studio.

Instagram: longfellowpottery

Facebook: georginelongfellow

All Artists Ceramics & Pottery Studio #5

Gretchen Lambert – Ceramics

I make functional and decorative pottery fired in an electric kiln or a pit fire.

Instragram: pottery_by_gretchen

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